It can't be! Doesn't exist! How many times have I heard this? Very often. Good thing I don't listen to it 😂.

Because we have grown like cabbage again by 2023! How we do that?

See here:

- Chain in hand

Of course, we work with #suppliers who can take a beating. Because we go fast. So fast suppliers that we pay fairly for: we have to have those. So we are directly on the buying and stock reliability. Thanks Marijke Hoefakker van Santen! Result? Delivery times of sometimes less than a week (on existing models). 

- Sales: quality and personal approach!

We go for quality. And then really top. So we also do repairs quickly and neatly. And if we can't do it because of a new problem we will do everything we can to solve it. 

In addition, you get our team. Who goes for you. You get the Woodle and our approach as a gift. So that you have no worries! And then people keep coming back, because ordering from SolarWoodle: Pioneers in Eco-lighting! Is a party!

- Automation can be learned! 

Bookkeeping? Do we spend very little time on it. Suppliers send their invoices directly into our accounting system. Of course we're on top of this as well, and we can steer quickly. We make payments ourselves, but everything is ready and we have a perfect overview. Thanks Alfa Accountants en Adviseurs Ede. And malings? We also have a nice club for that. Thanks Mick Lodder!

- Cold acquisition? Forget it. 

Do as little as possible unless automated. Or nice posts on LinkedIn. The channel for cold acquisition. For the rest? Don't spend #time on it. So no Google Ads. More visibility? Fixed. More relationships: absolutely.
People decide to buy. So, we go for the people who decide. 

- Enthusiasm works!

Yes, sometimes I find myself tinkering on the floor. Because hey, that's motivating, isn't it? We go for it together. As a team with our suppliers and customers. Bang on towards that #sustainable world. #energy transition? We've been working on it for 8 years. Not bullshit but polish. The Woodles then!

We continue because Holland and the rest can still be much more sustainable, more beautiful, better and above all more fun!